Energy Safety Tips

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Safety First!

The energy that powers our homes offers many conveniences. But it can also present serious dangers if handled or maintained improperly. That’s why it’s important to have energy safety tips at the ready. Whether you use electricity or natural gas in your home, these home safety tips can help you to remain alert and avoid emergency situations.


You power your home with energy, but do you practice electrical and appliance safety? The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that 31,000 home electrical fires occur every year, and with over 180 cases involving electrocution or electricity-related incidents that could have been avoided, home electrical safety is too important to ignore.

What causes electrical fires in homes?

The National Fire Protection Association notes that faulty or damaged wiring and related electrical equipment cause 69 percent of electrical fires, followed by lamps, light fixtures, cords, plugs, transformers and other power supplies. When looking for potential fire hazards in your home, always be sure to consult with a professional.


Electrical Safety at Home

1. Always follow appliance instructions for improved electrical safety.

2. Watch out for overloaded outlets to protect your home.

3. Replace or repair damaged electrical cords to keep your home safe.

4. Keep your used and unused cords tidy and secure to prevent damage.

5. Unplug all your unused appliances to reduce potential risks.

6. Keep electrical devices and outlets away from water to prevent shock.

7. Give your appliances proper space for air circulation to avoid overheating.

8. Ensure that all your exhaust fans are clean to prevent fire hazards.

9. Check that you’re using the correct wattage in all your fixtures and appliances.

LED bulbs consume less power and reduce the risk of fixtures overheating. Learn more about LED light benefits.

10. Be aware of heaters and water heaters to prevent potential accidents.

Electrical Safety for Kids

Young children are naturally curious and are quick to explore the world, so it’s important to protect them. Teaching them electrical safety tips for kids can keep them safe and alert.

Installing safety caps and covers on outlets prevents children from inserting objects into the outlet, protecting them from shock.

Tell your kids not to pull on electrical cords. Yanking can damage or fray the cord and compromise electrical safety. For kids, show them to pull cords out of an outlet by carefully holding the plug, and not pulling on the cord.

Keep dangerous appliances away from children until they’re old enough to operate them properly and understand electrical safety at home. Tips include storing toasters, blenders and electric kettles on high shelves or in locked cupboards—anywhere children cannot access them.


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